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Manuka Lodge

You are woken to the sound of bellbirds and tuis. Outside it is a bright, calm, blue-sky morning – perfect conditions to walk the Tongariro Crossing. You swing your legs out of bed, stretch that Achilles and head into your bathroom for a shower. The only thing between you and the volcanoes is a copious breakfast, which awaits downstairs. Wafting aromas of bacon, home baked bread and fresh hot coffee greet you as you eagerly pull on your clothes. It’s going to be a great day…

Manuka Lodge, Tongariro Nationalpark
Manuka Lodge, Tongariro Nationalpark
Manuka Lodge, Tongariro Nationalpark
Manuka Lodge, Tongariro Nationalpark
Manuka Lodge, Tongariro Nationalpark
Manuka Lodge, Tongariro Nationalpark

Neuseeland, Nordinsel

Stadt/ Region: Ohakune / Tongariro Nationalpark

Kategorie: 3 ½ Sterne

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